Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Day at Red Bank Village School

Sorry for the delay in posting.  The Internet has been slow to non-existent.  We tried the "Power Down- Power Up" routine tonight, so hopefully it will be better tomorrow.  The UofL students were awesome today.  They worked in a variety of classrooms.  They learned a lot about culture, schools, and found that children are children wherever you go.  Here are the pics from Red Bank.   I'll post the Independence pics early tomorrow. 

Margaret Pentecost


  1. Looks like an amazing time! Good luck to everybody and if you can pass on a hello to Olivia from her best friend at home :)

  2. Looks like you all are having a wonderful time! Everyone (U of L students) looks like they know exactly what they are doing! We all wish we were there, too. Enjoy!

    Julie Hollis
    Livie's mom
